India federation of culinary association (IFCA) did a survey on the toxicity level on the food that was available in India, results came which stated that the most poisonous food we consume on a day to day bases was mint and coriander. By 2050 we will be 10 billion people, by then there will be a 70% increase in food production and with the limited land, we will not be able to meet the requirements unless we do sea farming, which is not possible in near future. India houses 120 million farmers out of which every half an hour a farmer is committing suicide . In which 40% don't like farming and they don't want their next generation to do farming. In the agriculture industry, experts say that for a farm to be viable you need at least one hectare land per farmer and the irony is out of all the farmers we have 70% less than one hectare. As we move forward farming is becoming unviable in its current form and state. Farmers are quitting farming on a daily basis and wh...